
Friday, October 27, 2017

Clergy Appreciation Month: Continuing Our Appreciation

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, Always in every prayer of mine for you all making request with joy…”  (Philippians 1:3-4 KJV)

October is here a time set aside for appreciating our pastors and all they and their families do—the sacrifices they make to care for the people in their charge.  Of course, we should appreciate them the other eleven months of the year!  October is Clergy Appreciation Month, with this in mind, I will be sharing (with some editing) what I posted the last two Octobers.

To read the previous posts in this series, please see:  Clergy Appreciation Month, Clergy Appreciation Month:  Pastor Appreciation Sunday, Clergy Appreciation Month:  Laity Serving, and Clergy Appreciation Month: Encouragement.

As we come to the end of this month set aside to honor pastors, let us not forget to honor and encourage our pastor and their families the other eleven months of year!  We all need to be encouraged and spurred on as we live in this world.  The same is true for our pastors, and perhaps it is even more so.  Pastors seem to incur more than their fair share of criticism; therefore, words of encouragement are precious as diamonds.    

In the New Testament, we can read how Paul frequently encouraged Timothy (see 1 Timothy and 2 Timothy), in his ministry. 

While Timothy was a young pastor, lacking in self-confidence, needing encouragement to fulfill his calling; the same is true for those responding to their call today—no matter how long they have been pastoring.  Ministry is not an easy road to walk—burn out rates are incredibly high. 

In today’s world, being a pastor is a rewarding, challenging call—sadly, it also sometimes is a thankless job.  You will likely never fully know how much your words of encouragement and support means to your pastor. 

Use your imagination in honoring your pastor and his or her family.  Just be sure to let them know how much you care.  Share a word or two of praise…be creative…it only needs to be heartfelt. 

Personal Photo of  a former pastor and me.

What have you done personally (or what has your church done) to show appreciation to your pastor(s) during this month?

Please join with me in prayer:

Dear Lord, as we come to the end of this special month, honoring pastors, help us to remember to encourage and affirm them and their families throughout the year.  Give us nudges through the Holy Spirit to encourage our pastor when needed.  We thank you for our shepherd and family that you have sent us.  Protect them from the attacks of Satan and encourage them.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.

From My Heart to Yours,


Special Note: Faith Journey with Kim: Growing in Christ Jesus has a Facebook page.  To get to the site, please click on the grayish text above or here.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Clergy Appreciation Month 2017: Encouragement

“And let us consider one another to provoke unto love and to good works:  Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another:  and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.”  (Hebrews 10:24-25 KJV)

October is here a time set aside for appreciating our pastors and all they and their families do—the sacrifices they make to care for the people in their charge.  Of course, we should appreciate them the other eleven months of the year!  October is Clergy Appreciation Month, with this in mind, I will be sharing (with some editing) what I posted the last two Octobers.

To read previous posts in this series, please see:  Clergy Appreciation Month, Clergy Appreciation Month:  Pastor Appreciation Sunday, and Clergy Appreciation Month:Laity Serving.

We are told in the Bible to encourage each other daily, while we still can (see Hebrews 3:13), this includes our pastor.  How are we doing in following the counsel of the writer of Hebrews?  

One area where we can encourage our pastor is in dreaming and or visioning for the church, one of the many parts of a pastor’s job description.  It is here that our pastors seek the Lord, ideally, for direction in leading the church.  For example, it is here that new ministries are born or new formatting for worship is realized.

Dreaming or visioning is simply planning, setting goals for the future.  Without goals churches, like people, tend to aimlessly drift through life.  Dreams or visions help get things accomplished.

Be supportive of those dreams—handling them with care because they are delicate—like soap bubbles.  Many times, those dreams are inspired by the Holy Spirit.  Dreams can be costly in terms of time, effort, and even money.  Yet Holy Spirit inspired dreams can change the direction of churches and of lives.  Holy Spirit dreams can (and have) set the world on fire!  Holy Spirit dreams are still setting the world on fire and making a huge difference in the lives of countless people. 

Personal Photo

What dream(s) is the Holy Spirit giving you?

When the temptation arises to criticize the dreaming and or visioning of your pastor (or anyone else!), recall how it felt to have your dreams destroyed by someone who simply did not understand or simply refused to understand.  How did you feel?  What happened to those dreams?  Please encourage others to not criticize as well.

Encourage your pastor to keep dreaming!  Ask good questions and seek to understand your pastor’s ideas.  In so doing, I believe that you will learn more about the heart of your pastor.  Learning more about your pastor’s heart is priceless!  Deeply consider and pray about how you can help him or her in implementing those dreams, by using your gifts and talents.  

What dreams and/or visions has your pastor shared with you and/or your church?  How can you support him or her in those dreams and/or  visions?

Please join me in prayer:

Dear Lord, we pray that our pastor will find the freedom and courage to dream godly dreams and have the courage and strength from You to follow them.  Bless our pastor in planning for the future ministry of our church.  Help us to support and encourage our pastor to pursue the dreams and visions and not get in the way; encouraging others to be open to new ideas and new ways of doing things.  Open us to the ways we can assist our pastor in dreaming and visioning for the church and in pursuing those by the use of the gifts You have graciously given us.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.   

From My Heart to Yours,


Special Note: Faith Journey with Kim: Growing in Christ Jesus has a Facebook page.  To get to the site, please click on the grayish text above or here.

Friday, October 13, 2017

Clergy Appreciation Month: Laity Serving

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethern, I would not have you ignorant.  ….  Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.  And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.”
(1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-5 KJV)

October is here a time set aside for appreciating our pastors and all they and their families do—the sacrifices they make to care for the people in their charge.  Of course, we should appreciate them the other eleven months of the year!  October is Clergy Appreciation Month, with this in mind, I will be sharing (with some editing) what I posted last two Octobers.

To read the first and second posts in this series, please see:  Clergy Appreciation Month and Clergy Appreciation Month:  Pastor Appreciation Sunday.

In the United Methodist Church the third Sunday in October is designated as Laity Sunday, this year the special day falls on October 15. This is a Sunday in which the ministry of the laity is celebrated.  As Christians—as members of God’s family—we are to be exercising the gifts God has so graciously given us.

Personal Photo

Each Christian has at least one spiritual gift and sometimes a gift mix—a gift that God expects us to use for His glory and the benefit of His people.  Have you taken the time to discover your spiritual gifts?  If you have not done so, please consider doing it soon. 

If you know your spiritual gifts, it is your responsibility to use them.  By using your gifts, you will bless your pastor (and others) more than you will ever know.  One of the greatest gifts you could give your pastor is the voluntary use of your gifts.  You just might make his or her day (and year!), by going to him or her with an idea about how you could help and/or serve.

Image from Pixabay

A couple years ago a pastor stated this regarding the ministry of the laity: “Pastors are always delighted to see laity that takes ownership of areas of ministry.  A good example is leading children and youth ministries and teaching the Bible.”

Remember, there are no bad gifts (see Romans 12:6), just different ones.  Spend some time thinking and praying about how you can serve others as a lay person—lay ministry is not just reserved for specially trained lay leaders or lay speakers of the church.  All laity are to be in some form of ministry within and without the church.

If you know your spiritual gift(s), what gift(s) do you have and how are you using them?

Where do you feel that God is calling to get involved?

What ways are you already serving—giving of your time, talents, energy?    

Remember, the Lord expects us to be salt and light in the world (see Matthew 5:13-14).  The people around us should see something different about how we live our lives and how we interact with and treat others!

Who can you share Jesus with today?

Please join with me in prayer:

Dear Lord, inspire us to use our skills and our gifts to be a blessing to others.  We desire to serve You humbly, along with our pastor.  Remind us that all gifts are important within the church and Your kingdom; encourage us to use them to glorify You.  Persuade us to not only encourage our pastor but others, as well, in using their gifts for Your glory.  May we all use our gifts for Your glory not ours.  In Jesus’ name we pray.  Amen.   

From My Heart to Yours,


Special Note: Faith Journey with Kim: Growing in Christ Jesus has a Facebook page.  To get to the site, please click on the grayish text above or here.

Sunday, October 8, 2017

Clergy Appreciation Month 2017: Pastor Appreciation Sunday

“Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ’s sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me;” 
(Romans 15:30 KJV)

October is here a time set aside for appreciating our pastors and all they and their families do—the sacrifices they make to care for the people in their charge.  Of course, we should appreciate them the other eleven months of the year too!  October is Clergy Appreciation Month, with this in mind, I will be sharing (with some editing) what I posted last two Octobers.

To read the first post in this series on Clergy Appreciation Month, please see Clergy Appreciation Month.

Today, Sunday, October 8, 2017, is Pastor Appreciation Sunday.  Some churches honor their pastor(s) on this Sunday with a special service; while others prefer to have a typical service.

Personal Photo

A variety of ways exist to honor our pastors—it does not have to be flashy or glamorous.  It can be something as simple as a short presentation during the service or a simple potluck after the service.  (Be sure to include children and youth!)  The idea is to let your pastor know that they are loved and appreciated.  Of course, this appreciation should happen more often than in October!

Have you ever stopped to consider how much a pastor does during a given day or week?  Dedicated pastors work far more than 40 hours a week.  Likely their work week is closer to 60-70 hours!  Discover your pastor’s day off each week and guard it!  They need some down time to care for themselves.  

Being a pastor is a huge and demanding job; something that can only be done through the strength of God and much prayer.  How often do you pray for your pastor(s)?  It is only right that we pray for our pastor; after all, pastors pray for their flocks. 

To get an idea about “a day in the life” of a pastor see Thom Rainer’s article A Day in the Life of a Pastor

Personal Photo

Pastors truly need and deserve all the support and encouragement they can get.  Recognize and affirm the sacrifices they make—do it orally or in writing.  Do not forget how meaningful, the seemingly small things can be!  Share your appreciation from your heart.  It will mean far more than you will ever know, this side of heaven. 

Be sure to pray for his/her family, as well; do not forget the many sacrifices they make!  The families of pastors make far more sacrifices than we will ever know.  How many family meals or special gatherings do you suppose pastors miss?  Even pastors without a family make many sacrifices in serving their congregation.


How will you show appreciation to your pastor this week?

Please join with me in prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray that You will strengthen and encourage our pastor.  Help us to pray effectively for our pastor and family each day.  Lord, please protect our pastor and family from the attacks of the enemy; we plead the blood of Jesus over them.  Grant our pastor the wisdom to guide and care for us.  Thank You for all of the sacrifices pastors and their families make in service to You.  Reveal to us how to best show our appreciation to our pastor.  In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.

From My Heart to Yours,


Friday, October 6, 2017

Clergy Appreciation Month 2017

“And we beseech you, brethren, to know them which labour among you, and are over you in the Lord, and admonish you; And to esteem them very highly in love for their work’s sake. And be ye at peace among yourselves.”  
(1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 KJV)

October is here; therefore, it is a good time to look towards appreciating our pastors and all they and their families do—the sacrifices they make to care for the people in their charge. October is Clergy Appreciation Month, with this in mind, I will be sharing (with some editing) what I posted the last two years.

Clergy Appreciation Month was started in the early 1990s by a lay person, who saw a need.  He realized that there were months and days honoring people and groups but nothing for honoring pastors.  Pastors are human and need encouragement like everyone else—it can be something quite simple—such as a pat on the back, a word of praise, or simply being attentive during services.  At times pastors seem to take more than their fair share of criticism, so words of praise are even more important.  Pastors (and their families) need our prayer and support, not our criticism.  Show your appreciation publicly, even if you think they may be embarrassed; knowing how much they are loved and appreciated will do more good than we can begin to comprehend. 

Personal Photo

Remember most pastors work incredibly hard, putting in extremely long hours to care for the flock they love.  (And by the way, they work more than just on Sunday!)  This means they miss time with their families.  They also neglect their own needs at times.  Therefore, they need to be reminded they are loved and that they are making a difference in the lives of others.

Personal Photo

We see pastors being encouraged in the Bible, such as the support Aaron and Hur gave to Moses during the battle with the Amalekites (Exodus 17:10-13).

How is your pastor being encouraged by the members of his/her congregation? Who holds up your pastor’s arms?  What are you doing to encourage your pastor?  

Photo Credit P. Whitlach

Do not forget to encourage your pastor’s family; they are an important part of the ministry too! The pastor’s family is a vital part of his/her ministry.  They are expected to make many sacrifices that many in the congregation would be unwilling to make.

One great way to encourage your pastor and his/her family is through prayer! Let them know that you are praying for them.  For some ideas to direct your prayers see:  How to pray for your pastor

Throughout the rest of this month and in the months ahead, think about ways to affirm the work of your pastor and his/her family.  Keep in mind that our pastors should be appreciated and affirmed twelve months a year, not just in October!  Remember the times that someone has expressed their appreciation of you.  How did you feel?

How are you honoring your pastor and his/her family?  How have you showed appreciation (as an individual or as a church) in the past?  What about this year?

Please join with me in prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for all those who were and are obedient to Your call on their lives and became pastors to shepherd Your flock. Prompt us to know how and when to encourage our pastors; may we use our words with care—building up rather than tearing down. Father, thank You for our pastors and their families; pour out Your blessings on them, may they experience the fullness of Your presence in their daily lives. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.  Amen

From My Heart to Yours,


Note: There will be an additional post on Sunday on the topic of pastor appreciation. 
