
Friday, April 17, 2015

Caring for God’s Creation

“The earth is the LORD’s, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein.”  (Psalm 24:1 KJV)

From the opening verse of the Bible, Genesis 1:1, we see the creative power of God—“In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth”. God designed the earth for a purpose. Likewise, He created mankind to care for His creation—the whole of it.

Once sin entered into the picture (Genesis 3), the whole of God’s creation began to suffer as the result of mankind’s decision to live in a way that God had not planned. The beauty was marred. Creation has beauty but within that beauty lies danger too—danger from various elements, as well as animals.  

God expects us to care for the environment and the world He has given us. This is a sacred trust, in fact, Ecclesiastes 1:4 states: “One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh: but the earth abideth for ever.” 

We have only one planet…let us care for it! How are we doing at caring for our environment?  Are we helping or hurting it?

It would be so easy to take the easy way out and flippantly think: “Jesus is returning. Why should I do anything to help the environment?” While Jesus is indeed returning—likely soon—we still need to use care in what we do and how we do it. Creation is fragile; therefore, we need to handle it with care.  

We can do many things (such as recycling paper or plastic, or planting a tree, or walking instead of driving), that will make our world a cleaner, healthier place to live.

It was not all that long ago, during the Great Depression, that our parents, grandparents, great-grandparents, and others learned to recycle/reuse/repurpose almost everything. They were on to something that many of us in this disposable culture have seemed to have forgotten: there is not an unlimited supply of resources, eventually things run out, disappear. We would be wise to use its resources with care.

Our world—the whole of creation—is crying out. Crying out in desperation for a change, for help—help that is found in Jesus Christ alone. The whole of creation groans as even it awaits the return of Jesus (see Romans 8:22 read here). Are we crying out as well?

Check out this article on The High Calling website for some ideas of how you can care for the environment: 5 Ways You Can Care for the Environment

Somewhere I read that we borrow the earth from our children; therefore, we should give to them an environment that is as healthy as possible. 

Take some time to soak in the beauty of God’s creation and praise and glorify Him for it! 

What can you do today or this week or this month to help the environment? 

What are you already doing to care for God’s wonderful, beautiful creation?

Please join with me in prayer:

God of Creation, thank You for Your beautiful and fragile world. We recognize many times we haven’t cared for it as carefully as we should and have taken its resources and beauty for granted; please forgive us. Grant us the wisdom to protect Your world and use its resources with care. In Jesus’ name. Amen. 

From My Heart to Yours,



  1. Hi Kim! I think God loves all His creation, and wants us to be respectful of it. That includes our planet. I am always so saddened to see trash on the highways, blown into bushes, and even thrown out car windows!

    The earth is our sister in creation. We should love it and treat it with joy and respect.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

    1. Hi Ceil! Thank you for reading and commenting. I'm sure that God is grieved over how we care for this wonderful planet He entrusted to us. Trash carelessly thrown down in public places saddens me too. May God bless your weekend!

  2. As Danny is the regional head of Energy Star at EPA, we are extremely conscious of what it means to be environmentally responsible. This is our one world which God created for us to steward and care for. No, we have not done it to the best of our ability, that's for sure, but the more people who wake up and realize what an amazing gift we have been given, the better it will be for God's unmatched creation.
    Love and blessings, Kim!

    1. Hi Martha! Thank you for reading and commenting. I imagine that you and Danny are extremely conscious of being environmentally responsible, particularly with his work. I wonder how often God weeps over how we've handled our responsibility to care for the earth?
      Love and blessings, Martha!


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