GDPR Statement for Faith Journey with Kim: Growing in Christ Jesus
In late May 2018 a law went into effect in the European Union regarding privacy of personal data. This affects all websites/blogs that have people from those countries visiting. While there is now a disclosure policy statement (see right side bar) for this blog, I wanted to write a bit more about the administration of this blog and personal data. What follows is an edited post from a friend’s blog (used with permission).[1]
· We will follow the guidelines of the GDPR (General Data Processing Regulation) as set forth by the EU. This means that if you are a European subscriber to this blog, I will inform you if I ever collect any information from you, which I never intend to do. You will remain in full control of your personal information.
· Email addresses are for the sole purpose of receiving this blog to which you are subscribed, no matter what side of the pond you live on. If you receive posts from this blog via email, it means that you opted-in. You can unsubscribe at any time.
· At this point this blog does not advertise. When that changes information will be provided informing you of the change and what the advertising means.
· We will never, ever sell your email addresses, or share with others without your explicit permission. Moreover, I do not have access to your email addresses.
· Google Analytics is used to understand the most basic of information and for nothing else.
· At this point, other sites, such as MailChimp, are not used for newsletter distribution. In fact, there is not a newsletter at all. If this changes, information will be given and each person will opt-in and remain in control of what they receive or choose to not receive.
· If links to external sites are followed, it is expected that individuals will investigate that site’s GDPR statement.
· You are encouraged to read the privacy statements for Google and Google Analytics for more information.
· We shall endeavor to follow the letter and spirit of the law.
If this statement changes in the future, readers will be made aware. This statement will also be found in the pages section of the blog (right side bar).
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