
Sunday, February 14, 2016

God’s Valentine

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.  For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.  (John 3:16-17 KJV)

Happy Valentine’s Day!  God loves you so much—more than you or anyone can begin to fathom! 


Have you ever realized that you are God’s Valentine and that He is yours?  Think about what this means; let it seep deeply into your soul—your innermost being.  How does knowing this change your view of yourself and others? 


God loves each and every one of His children fully and completely—a love that is uniquely and individually designed for His children.  God’s love for us is so intense and deep that we are unable to fathom it this side of heaven.  God’s love is a love that completes and fulfills us in a way that nothing or no one on earth can.

Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God: therefore the world knoweth us not, because it knew him not.  (1 John 3:1 KJV)

Since we live in a sinful, fallen world, it makes sense that the love we experience here would seem rather incomplete.  In heaven, I believe that we will experience such a fullness of God’s love that our earthly bodies and minds simply could not handle it.

God’s love of and for us is an empowering love; it is not a love that controls or manipulates to get its own way; it is a love that sets its object (that is us!) free!  Due to the sinful world we inhabit, at times we experience love that is anything but freeing; in fact, it sometimes controls and manipulates to get its own way.  Sadly, “love” in this world can also be horrifically abusive. 


Even at that, I believe we can catch glimpses of this love in the world around us, as ell as throughout the Scriptures.  Think about this:  God’s Word (both the Old and New Testaments) is His love letter to us.  How cool is that?!  Trying reading your Bible as God’s love letter to you; see what a difference that makes in how you perceive the words in it.

What do think about the Bible being a love letter from God to you?


In February 2009 (including Valentine’s weekend), I was blessed to go on a Walk to Emmaus retreat—a 72 hour date with the Lord.  It was a wonderful time of spiritual growth, nourishment, and renewal!  Experiencing God’s love and the love of His children was simply amazing!  I simply do not have words to describe that time.  To learn more about Walk to Emmaus, please click here.  What is Walk to Emmaus?


We see God’s love for us in the imagery of a shepherd caring for his sheep—protection, provision, care, and guidance.  His love for us goes far beyond the love we feel for our family and friends or receive from them.


God’s love is perfect and complete—it fits us perfectly, it heals us and sets us free from fear (1 John 4:18 KJV) and our bondage to sin.  God’s love is the real thing!

How have you experienced God’s love?  How have you shared it?

Please join with me in prayer:
Dear God of Love, we long to bask in the healing warmth of Your love.  Please pour into our open hearts Your love, so that we may in turn pour out that love on others.  It is only in and through You that we have any capacity to love.  Fill us with Your Holy Spirit, enabling us to love those who are the most challenging to love—who are the ones who are the most love starved in our midst.  During this season of Lent and preparing for Easter, direct our attention to Your greatest demonstration of love—sending Your precious Son, Jesus Christ, to walk on earth and to die on the cross in our place, and rising again—giving us access to You and to eternal life that is worth living.  In Jesus’ Name we pray.  Amen. 

From My Heart to Yours,



  1. Yes! God is our first Valentine and He will be our last. Wonderful post, Kim!
    Love and blessings!

    1. Martha, I'm thinking it's pretty cool to have the Creator and King of the world as my first, last, and always Valentine! Thank you for your kind comments, encouragement, and support!

      Love and blessings!

  2. Hi Kim! Happy Valentines Day to you my friend. You are so well loved by the Father in His Son and Spirit.
    I remember recently reading that Jesus' sacrifice is not about our unworthiness, but more about His unending love for all of us. Yep. Never about me! All about Him, and how loved I am in Him.
    Wishing you a love-filled day,

    1. Hi Ceil! Thank you for the Valentine wishes. I'm enjoying spending time with the Lord--sort of like a date--great way to spend this day. What you read is really a great way to look at what Jesus did. Yes, He did all that He did out of love. Yes, it's all about Him and not about any one of us. It's life changing to really grasp how loved we are in Him.

      Basking in the Lord's love today. Wishing you a love-filled day, as well.



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