
Friday, May 26, 2017

Sermon: Revive Us Again!

I am pleased to share with the readers of my blog an audio and a video of a church service I led March 12, 2017.  It is always a blessing to share what God has placed on my heart with His people.  The reason I do what I do here on the blog and when I preach and teach is God empowering me through the Holy Spirit.  On my own, I simply could not do what I do! 

Revival is from God; it is not something that anyone of us can generate!  In this way, God gets the glory, not man.  This is good to keep in mind when we pray for revival or hear about revival.  Keep in mind, there is a “cost” to revival—listen to hear what the cost might look like.

If you would like to read the text of this sermon, please search the archives of this blog—a few weeks ago, I shared this message in a slightly different form over two weeks. 

To listen to the audio (it is clearer than the audio on the video), please click here:  

To view the video, please click here:  

You can also find the audio and video on the right side bar of this blog.

What follows is a description I provided with the YouTube video:

Sermon delivered March 12, 2017, at Trinity United Methodist Church in Albia, Iowa.  Video is from the traditional service.

Hymns included (not all are on the video): O Spirit of the Living God; Spirit Song; and Revive Us Again.

Scriptures:  2 Chronicles 7:14; Psalm 51:1-12; Psalm 85:4-13

Currently, I am a lay speaker in the United Methodist Church; my status is such that I can preach in my church and others when called.  (I am one of several lay members who are called by the Lord to lead worship and preach the Word of God when our pastor is away.)

Let us all consider what it means to pray for revival and to expect revival in our own lives!

From My Heart to Yours,


Friday, May 12, 2017

Happy Mother's Day!

“But continue thou in the things which thou hast learned and hast been assured of, knowing of whom thou hast learned them; And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
(2 Timothy 3:14-15 KJV)

*Note:  I shared this post in 2015 and 2016—the message is still timely, in my opinion.  I have edited it slightly for this year.

Personal photo

This Sunday, May 14, we celebrate Mother’s Day. Therefore, it is a great time to reflect on the special women (our mom and others) in our lives who nurtured us; perhaps, they still nurture us, even if from afar.  There are so many different types of mothers:  those who give birth to and raise their child/children, those who are brave and allow their child to be adopted, there are adoptive mothers, foster mothers, and spiritual mothers.  So many different ways to be a mom to many—great is the impact of moms on the lives of those they nurture.

At the outset, I realize some reading this post will have had a challenging relationship with their mom, or perhaps a dear mom has passed away, or a mom is no longer mom due to a variety of health issues and/or dementia.  My prayer for you is that you will experience God’s comforting, healing presence in the days ahead.

Likewise, some women reading this post will struggle due to their longing to be a mom.  My heart goes out to you, so many of us with “mommy hearts” (this includes me) know we are to nurture another person.  In my case, I have found contentment in being a nurturing presence in the lives of my friends.

Personal photo

In thinking about some of the ladies who have nurtured me spiritually I recall a couple of dear ladies from my earliest years—both were apart of my life due to Sunday school and church attendance.

Many times, if it were not for our mom we would not be in church. It seems spiritual nurture, many times, is dependent on mom. As a little girl, I attended Sunday school and church faithfully, thanks to my mother. In fact, some of my earliest memories are of church and Sunday school.

Particularly, during the early years (pre-school through second grade), two ladies—Ruby and Clara—taught my peers and me a lot about Jesus and His love for us.  

For many of us, Sunday school and Vacation Bible school teachers have a huge impact on us and how we grew in our faith.  What sort of impact did your Sunday school and Vacation Bible school teachers have on you?

Personal Photo

How have you been nurtured by your mom or your spiritual mothers (teachers, aunts, cousins, friends of the family)?

How can you nurture someone in need?  Look at how Paul encouraged Timothy regarding his faith that he learned from Lois and Eunice (his grandmother and mother) (see 2 Timothy 1:5). 

Therefore, in reflecting on this special day let us think about everything that moms do for their off-spring (this includes spiritual moms too!).

Moms do a lot for us.

They care for us when we are ill.

They comfort us after bad dreams.  

They encourage us on difficult days.

It is clear that moms everywhere deserve this special day of remembrance.

How can we thank our moms (birth and spiritual) at this special time?

Please join with me in prayer:

Dear Lord of All, thank You for our mothers who gave us life and nurture.  Thank You for the spiritual mothers in our lives who taught us about Jesus and His love for us and who influenced our growth in the faith and faithfully prayed for us—giving us encouragement at just the right time.  For those who long to be a mommy grant them a special sense of Your comforting presence.  Bless our mothers today and always.  In Jesus’ name, we pray.  Amen.

From My Heart to Yours,


Happy Mother’s Day!!

Friday, May 5, 2017

Spiritual Nourishment

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.  
(Romans 10:17 KJV)

*Note:  In June 2016 I shared the following post on spiritual nourishment.  Due to a variety of factors, I am sensing that it needs to be shared this week (with some editing).

From time to time God’s children go through dry times or perhaps even a time that could be defined as a “dark night of the soul”.  Truthfully, I am currently journeying through such a time.  This heightens my awareness for the need to deeply nourish my soul (beyond Sunday morning worship).  Therefore, I would like to encourage you to take the time to view one (or more of the videos) found on the right side bar under the heading "Spiritual Nourishment".  

While Pastor Richard is not my pastor, he is a dear brother in Christ.  I have found his messages to be meaningful and nourishing.   It will be worth your time.  

Please join with me in prayer:

Dear Lord, Open our hearts to what You have to say to us through Your Word and from Your servants.  Thank You for the Truth that comes in reading, studying, and hearing Your Word.  Stir up within us a hunger for You and Your Word that cannot be easily satisfied.  Even in the midst of our struggles we seek You and Your face, simply desiring to know You more fully.  Thank you for those who capably preach and teach Your Word, pointing us to Jesus.  In Jesus' Name, we pray.  Amen.

From My Heart to Yours,

