
Friday, October 16, 2015

Clergy Appreciation Month: Laity Serving

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethern, I would not have you ignorant.  ….  Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.  And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord.”
(1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-5 KJV)


To read the first and second posts in this series, please see:  Clergy Appreciation Month and Clergy Appreciation Month: Pastor Appreciation Sunday.

In the United Methodist Church the third Sunday in October is designated as Laity Sunday. This is a Sunday in which the ministry of the laity is celebrated.  As Christians—as members of God’s family—we are to be exercising the gifts God has so graciously given us.  

Each Christian has at least one spiritual gift—a gift that God expects us to use for His glory and the benefit of His people.  Have you taken the time to discover your spiritual gifts?  If you have not done so, please consider doing it soon. 

If you know your spiritual gifts, it is your responsibility to use them.  By using your gifts, you will bless your pastor (and others) more than you will ever know.  One of the greatest gifts you could give your pastor is the voluntary use of your gifts.  You just might make his/her day (and year!), by going to him/her with an idea about how you could help/serve.

My pastor recently stated this regarding the ministry of the laity: "Pastors are always delighted to see laity that takes ownership of areas of ministry.  A good example is leading children and youth ministries and teaching the Bible."


Remember, there are no bad gifts (Romans 12:6), just different ones.  Spend some time thinking and praying about how you can serve others as a lay person—lay ministry is not just reserved for specially trained lay leaders/speakers of the church.  All laity are to be in some form of ministry within and without the church.

Where do you feel that God is calling to get involved?

What ways are you serving—giving of your time, talents, energy?     

Remember, the Lord expects us to be salt and light in the world (Matthew 5:13-14).  The people around us should see something different about how we live our lives and how we interact with and treat others.

Please join with me in prayer:

Dear Lord, inspire us to use our skills and our gifts to be a blessing to others. We desire to serve You humbly, along with our pastor.  Remind us that all gifts are important within the church and Your kingdom.  Persuade us to not only encourage our pastor but others, as well, in using their gifts for Your glory.  May we use our gifts for Your glory.  In Jesus’ name.  Amen.   

From My Heart to Yours,



  1. Wow, Kim, this gave me goosebumps (God-bumps)! One of the blogs I have planned for next week deals with this very issue - recognizing our gifts and using them to the honor and glory of God.
    Well, like the saying goes, great minds think alike! And great souls long to serve our awesome God!
    Love and blessings!

    1. Oh, Martha, how exciting! Great minds do seem to "think alike"! Hmm...God must have something for us to learn here. Now to discover what that is. :) I'll look forward to reading your thoughts on spiritual gifts. I'm pondering going a bit deeper in the area of spiritual gifts in the future. Serving God is beyond amazing!

      Love and blessings!


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